Digital Marketing Trends


Product Keywords Show Local Search Results on Google

Google is constantly changing. It’s a reliable search engine that most of us here in the United States are using. Google tries to stay proactive in its approaches instead of reactive after something bad occurs. Although some may think search is just search, Google search is evolving. People search the Internet for almost everything these days to get the latest information or just for different opinions, reviews, and choices. You can access so many people and sites through the Internet. Although it is convenient searching things online, there are still many positive aspects of shopping in person. You get to touch, feel, and play with whatever you’re buying. You get to see it is fits just right or if there’s not enough cushion. The Internet aids in a shopper deciding on a product and purchasing it. It is not always the end result.

One interesting thing I noticed in the recent years is the way searches appear differently. Product keywords show local search results on Google! Google is still working to make it better for the consumers. This is because Google understands how important the Internet is in this day and age. For example, if you were to search for “shoes” or “jeans”, a list of several local places to purchase the items appear on the top of the results along with Zagat rankings.

Google Search Shoes

Google has joined forces with many retailers to try and show these local stores online so the consumer knows where to go. The shopper can choose whether they want to go to store A or B and maybe neither. The shopper may even stop into the stores to play with the product and make the purchase online afterwards as well. Either way these updates are made to aid shoppers in finding products that they’re looking for easier and to show the availability of the product in the area.  Although the change isn’t perfect, it opens the door for shoppers to other options on where to make their final purchase.

Google Product Search Shoes


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