Digital Marketing Trends


SEO Tips for Bing: Optimize Your Site for Bing Search Engine

As soon as the Yahoo & Microsoft deal is implemented, Bing will the only major competitor of Google and there will be only two big players in the search industry. Bing has new improved features that may effect search engine optimization tactics.  Here are some recommendations which will help you improve your ranking on Bing.

First of all you need to submit your website to Bing search engine. Follow all the rules & guidelines of Bing Search Engine Submission, which can help you achieve better rankings on Bing.

Next submit your website to Bing Local Business Center. Follow all the rules & guidelines on Bing Local Business Center, which will help your website to appear on your local area listings on Bing.

Website Content Recommendations and SEO Tips for Bing

Everyone knows that content is king, Bing also gives more value to those websites that have unique & valuable content. So your webpage should contain valuable & unique content which can attract visitors and keep visitors coming back to your website. The following are some recommendation that may help you to get good rankings on Bing:

  • Write unique & valuable content with good keyword density. Don’t do keyword stuffing that looks like spam.
  • Try to use text links for menus or website pages.
  • Use an html sitemap that contains text link of all of your web pages.
  • Don’t put keywords on images.
  • Image size should be smaller than 150KB
  • Try to downsize your web pages as much as you can.
  • Every page should 1 to 3 clicks away from main page.
  • Make your page title and descriptions unique and descriptive (don’t spam).
  • Use appropriate page headings in page content (you may add keywords).
  • Use Alt Tags on Images.

Website Technical Recommendation for Search Engine Optimization on Bing:

Technical optimization is strongly recommended for by all search engines. You should technically optimize your website for MSNBot and allow it to index your website pages. Following are some important technical recommendation that may help you to get good rankings on Bing:

  • Your web page html code should well-formed. Validate your website html codes with W3C Validation Tool.
  • Check your website broken links and correct them. Remove all broken links from your website. This will exclude some of your webpages from being indexed by search engines.
  • Optimize your robots.txt to control search engine robots and MSNBot crawler & other crawlers. This will help you to control & block Search engine crawlers or robots, blocking unwanted crawlers.
  • Check your WebPages and make sure that they are not blocking MSNBot Crawler from indexing your website.
  • Always use SEO friendly URL. Don’t use dynamic URLS.
  • Check your website out going links and make sure that it’s not linked to any malicious software websites that force user to install or save malicious images, documents, software, html, JavaScript etc.,
  • Create Xml Sitemap for your website and submit it to Bing
  • Go to Bing Webmaster tools and submit your website & authenticate your website with Bing Webmaster Tools. This will help you to watch your back links, submit xml sitemap, check your domain score etc.

The above recommendations are for website owners, who are interested in optimizing their website for Bing. You may hire a professional search engine optimization company for improving your ranking on Bing.

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