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Social Media Marketing Services

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

6 Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

Looking for successful social media strategies? Read on to learn tried and true tips to master building connections through social media. Boomtown Internet Group is a full-service digital marketing agency and Our expert marketing managers help our clients with a wide range of services, including mobile advertising spending, organic social media posting, and paid social media marketing. Contact us for more information about how we can help manage your social media marketing.

1. Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy:

Creating a social media marketing plan is the cornerstone of a successful online presence.

  1. Begin by setting clear, measurable goals that mirror your business objectives.
  2. Dive deep into audience research to pinpoint who they are, where they hang out online, and what content resonates with them.
  3. Develop a content strategy that mixes promotional posts with engaging, value-packed content to keep your audience hooked.
  4. Use scheduling tools to maintain a consistent posting cadence.
  5. Monitor the data and tweak your strategy for optimal performance.
  6. Remember, social media is a two-way street—actively engage with your followers to foster a loyal and thriving community around your brand.

2. Choose The Best Social Media Platform for Your Business

When people think of digital marketing, they think of two things: google and social media. Within social media, most questions are, is the amount of work involved with social media for business worth it, and which social media channel is the best outlet for my company? These are terrific questions to ask because not all social media networks are equal. And more importantly, not all social media networks are right for every business. Compare and contrast the social media networks that best suit your business objectives and your customer base:


Uses short posts called “tweets” with text, images, animated GIFs, videos, and links.

The Twitter platform is ideal for broadcasting news, updates, and other material relating to your brand. Showcase deals, discounts, and specials, and remember to include fun content as well (as this is what will most likely be shared). Interaction with followers is of paramount importance.


The most popular social media platform, with 38.4% of internet users reaching through Facebook ads.

Facebook tends to have posts with a light and friendly tone, this is the place to share images, videos, quotes, anecdotes, and industry-related articles. The base of users is getting older, and the platform is proven to retain its audience.


A go-to for young, video-first creators, especially those who have had a hard time building a following on Instagram or YouTube.

Use TikTok to show off product tutorials and use cases, join challenges, jump on trends, make your audience laugh, and more. You can sell products through TikTok, generate leads, and increase brand awareness. TikTok offers a number of business tools—video editing, analytics, ads, and more.


Known as a “visual discovery engine” that inspires users.

To benefit from Pinterest, you need to ask yourself if you know who your average customer is. What are their demographics, psychographics, and geographics? How do your customers purchase, what does your sales funnel look like? Is my site optimized to entice customers to take action? If you have a hard time defining these parameters, you should find a full-service digital marketing agency, like Boomtown, that is adept at creating marketing segments for companies.


The leading platform for influencer marketing, with a wide consumer and brand audience.

Instagram is a visual platform. Moving and beautifully crafted photos and reels create engagement. It harnesses the power of visual selling via the sharing of images. Encourage consumers to post and share images of themselves using or wearing your product.


A business networking platform that’s particularly useful if you’re a B2B business.

LinkedIn is for professionals to connect. Here is where professional and industry dialogue can occur, and you can showcase your business and its attributes to others in your field. Recommendations garnered via other users on this platform give your brand credibility. LinkedIn is a valuable job search and recruitment tool, as well as a lead generator and publishing platform.

3. Create Engaging and Interesting Content

Content curation can be a powerful tool in your social media marketing arsenal. By curating relevant and high-quality content from reputable sources, you can provide value to your audience while establishing yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source in your niche. However, it’s important to strike a balance between curated content and original content to maintain a unique voice and perspective. Use content curation to supplement your content strategy, adding depth and variety to your social media feeds. Additionally, engage with the content you curate by adding your insights, comments, or questions, which can spark meaningful conversations with your audience.

4. Boost Engagement With Interactive Polls and Surveys

Harnessing the power of polls and surveys is a fantastic way to boost engagement on social media. These interactive tools not only encourage participation from your audience but also provide valuable insights into their preferences and opinions. Polls are great for quick, simple questions that can spark interest and debate, while surveys allow for more in-depth feedback. By using polls and surveys strategically, you can gather feedback on new products, content ideas, or even just fun, lighthearted topics, all while keeping your audience engaged and involved in your brand.

5. Leveraging Tools for Social Media Marketing

Incorporating social media marketing tools into your strategy can streamline your efforts and enhance your results. These tools offer a range of functionalities, from scheduling posts to analyzing performance and managing interactions. Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Social Pilot allow you to schedule posts across multiple channels, ensuring consistent and timely content delivery. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics and native platform insights provide valuable data on audience engagement, demographics, and content performance, helping you refine your strategy for better results. Additionally, social listening tools like Mention and Brandwatch enable you to monitor conversations about your brand and industry, allowing you to respond promptly and engage with your audience effectively. Integrating these tools into your social media marketing plan can boost efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately, your bottom line.

6. Use Social Media For Link Building

SEO has become the all-important tool for driving online leads to your web pages. Using social sites helps to increase your online presence as well as create links that boost search rankings. There are many social sites that your company should have a visible presence on, such as Facebook, your own blog, Squidoo, Yelp, and bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumble upon, Delicious, Bebo, Tumblr, etc. LinkedIn (group) pages allow you to place links, however these never index on search engines, and therefore there is no direct link influence from these. However links from profile pages on LinkedIn (my website, my company website, my blog) have good value and can also and can also be used to post articles via a website link.

As long as the social media sites do not have “no-follow” tags on their links, the search engines can find them and use them as “link juice” to boost your page rankings. In addition, links from sites like Facebook need to be from public profiles so that search engines can see them.

Tips to Get You Started in Your Social Link-Building Efforts:

To get started on your social media link-building efforts you will need to create a Facebook fan page if you don’t already have one. You can connect your blog so that it feeds your Facebook page every time you post, and you can add an icon on your website that makes it easy for people to become a fan of your Facebook page. When you post to your blog, it will show on your Facebook page and if it is a good post, your fans may share it with their friends on their walls.

You should also add an icon on your blog that encourages people to share your posts on their Twitter or Facebook accounts, and on popular social bookmarking websites like Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon.

Link building takes a great deal of work, and using social sites can really pay off in both your social media campaigns and your SEO campaigns. By coordinating efforts, you can do both things at the same time without doubling your effort.

Connect with Boomtown’s digital marketers today, who specialize in customizing social media strategies.

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